Saturday, March 29, 2008

From Europe

Took this one over the summer. It's not great, it was taken with a point and shoot, but I'm nostaligc for these streets, and I haven't taken any pictures today. Put up with me?

whatever, I love that picture.

Friday, March 28, 2008

First Credential...

Laminated, neon, and tied around my neck with a shoe string. Pretty great.

HFA Battle of The Bands '08

Better Comes Along includes the straight brutality of Micah Foster, Adam Overton, Brady I-don't-know-his-last-name, and Nathan I-don't-know-his-last-name-either. They didn't win, but they upheld their reputation of being totally outrageous and munching on some Bugles during the judging. So real.

The first picture is the guitarist of the band named Sons For Saving, and they were really brave, announcing themselves as a Christian rock band. I thought it took guts. They were all very talented, and worked hard.

The fourth picture is Jordon Salveson and Emily Norton who were sooooo good and their band name is the French word for bird. I don't know it.

As for The Chatty Patty Art Band, the first place winners, they were a lot of fun, but I didn't get any decent pictures of them (sorry all of you. you still did great and looked great.)

Well, that was entirely unnecessary.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grilled Cheese

Dearest Viewers:
Be on the look out for lots more cafeteria pictures. As Hayley put it, "It's about time. That's so high school." She is dang right!

I gotta go pop me some popcorn and hang out with my brother bear.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

that's right.

Borrowed Camera. yayayayayayayayayaaaaaayayay.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

not today

This picture could have been taken any Monday through Friday from November 5, 2007 to March 14, 2008. I walked home every day with my camera around my neck. This was taken on accident with my phone.

Mom said, "You need a camera. You look naked."

Friday, March 21, 2008

bdsjgshle jhbj1KH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kjfhvbkdfnpvoawiujz,[830u4t04n95 qW?


Shit fucking son of a bitch breaking into peoples cars and taking away their only goddamn hobby/interest/passion/joy/escape you are a fucking pussy and if we ever come in contact I will rip you to tiny tiny tiny tiny shreads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you get robbed, you are suspicious of everyone. Toddlers and mommys walking out of the movie theatres are culprits. The dumbass security guard becomes an incompetent, smelly, unshaven piece of shit that couldn't answer questions from kids trivial pursuit and still has the nerve to tell you, "carve your name into your camera next time..." CARVE MY NAME INTO MY CAMERA?!!?!?!??!?!?! WHAT CAMERA YOU SHIT HEAD!!!!?!?!?!??!????????


So, like, my camera got stolen.


So... we call the cops to file a report and shit........... that was cool...... woulda made for some cool pictures..... he dusted for prints..... that shit was tight.



...........William and I yelled at cars ont he way home, "IT WAS YOU!!! YOU BASTARD ASS SHIT RAG!!!!!!!!" ...People were understanding that we must have been having a bad day.

I don't even remember opening the door and seeing my camera gone. I just remember crying on the ground.

fucking sleeze balls.

ahem... edit... Saturday morning:
Being less angry, allow me to explain that the above photograph was taken by William and William's computer.

I don't have anything to do. nothing.

I have a camera phone though.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

By the way...

...welcome to self portrat week.

Ok, so I wear the same pants 2 or 3 or 12 days in a row. Sorry...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The rope

When we moved into this house it was boring for William and I because it was so old, everything in it was old, and therefore breakable. So we got a trampoline, a basketball goal, a rope swing in the back and a climbing rope in the front.

Any one who could climb the rope got a dollar from my dad. I could do it with my eyes closed, after spinning in circles, and I loved it.

Someone hit the basketball goal with their car and it's crooked now.
We had to cut the branch from the back yard rope swing because the tree is dying.
We got rid of the trampoline years ago.

My hands are red and it felt good to climb.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Tonight at church (this has nothing to do with the photo) we were sitting around not doing anything when we decided to rearrange the letters in our names. It was way too much fun and had absolutely nothing to do with theology........ at all.

Stephen Owen Howell
Hen Step Steel Lonee

Charles Egan Cowan Pasinger
Nana "Slapa Cow Egg" Renchie

Marshall May Fletcher
Ramshell Yam Flatcher

Graham Brooks Gaines
Hamarag Goon Brekiss

Clayton Daniel Bingaman
El Yaba Dangit Conman Nil

Jacqueline Ann Van Mater
Que Levant Ninja Mcanar

(I was hoping someone would turn out to be Lord Voldemort.... bummer...)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008


Oh, you wanted to see a good picture? My bad. Sometimes your flash is in your car and you're just super lazy.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Centennial Park

Dylan White, Nick Holt, kids I don't know...

It doesn't matter though, and that's what being 17 is about. We were all friends today in spite of the fact that I never call Nick any more, that I blew Dylan off a number of times, that one of those kids in the background took me home from a party I was scared to be at a year ago. I miss these days when a guitar comes out and we are all singing, laughing, hopping around. I am not necessarily myself, but I am someone happy, and that's all I need to be right now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

International Day

Each yeah, the members of Hume Fogg High School's International Club produce a performance for their peers that showcases traditional clothing, customs, and dances from countries around the world.

Feels good.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Girls Bathroom

I have to vent about high school for just one second.
My brother came to have lunch with me the other day, and of course talked about how much he missed high school. More specifically, he said he'd give anything to be in a situation where he could look around and know every one he saw. I guess I never thought about it that way, and it struck me as very sad, that this next year and a half will be the only time I will be able to do that. That is sad, isn't it?

The girl's bag broke. I used to know her name, in middle school. But her bag broke and I took a picture instead of helping. I don't remember her leaving because I was reviewing the photo, considering the light, which is great for photography, but not so great for being the person, in and out of high school, that I want to be.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

So I missed a day.

This is from yesterday. and it's lame. whatever..... so, I came home and this thing was in my yard. The reason: gnats. there were gnats in. Solution: freeze the suckers.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lily and Ryan

Today produced several satisfying photographs, but this is the only one that produced any kind of emotion. When I saw Lily and Ryan, in all their best friend/ new couple cuteness, I told them they looked like contortionists. And don't they?
It's such a real moment in the mist of high school. Laying on the floor during lunch, as comfortable as possible, searching for a moment of sanity.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I don't care. It feels good. It doesn't tell a story but I feel something when I look at it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008