Better Comes Along includes the straight brutality of Micah Foster, Adam Overton, Brady I-don't-know-his-last-name, and Nathan I-don't-know-his-last-name-either. They didn't win, but they upheld their reputation of being totally outrageous and munching on some Bugles during the judging. So real.
The first picture is the guitarist of the band named Sons For Saving, and they were really brave, announcing themselves as a Christian rock band. I thought it took guts. They were all very talented, and worked hard.
The fourth picture is Jordon Salveson and Emily Norton who were sooooo good and their band name is the French word for bird. I don't know it.
As for The Chatty Patty Art Band, the first place winners, they were a lot of fun, but I didn't get any decent pictures of them (sorry all of you. you still did great and looked great.)
Well, that was entirely unnecessary.
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