Wednesday, April 30, 2008


check out asofterworld.

I make some, like this one, that I made today...

I haven't done it in a long time, but here is a link to my flickr, where I put them.
(Click all sizes to read them.)

I'll put that up in the links too.

so yeeeaaaah....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Beatles Tribute Band.

OBVIOUSLY after joining in with all the forty-something drunk women at a Beatles tribute show, we go out and buy Across The Universe.

Jai guru deva...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I am in the writing lab 10 minutes before physics starts to print off a sudoku, and this kid in front of me is doing really hard math and it's blowing my mind. It is blowing my miiiiiiind!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008


My internet was down sorryyyy

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Making up for Lost Time

Testing the smoke machine backstage.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This is crap.
I solomnly swear to be a real photographer tomorrow.
SERIOUSLY! It's time to kick it into gear!

Ok... so, yes, it IS crap. But I typed that, and then I really looked at the picture... and sometimes, honestly, that IS how high school feels. Blurred and muffled and crooked and busy. Whatever. That doesn't make up for the fact that it's one of four pictures I took today. Jeez.

Watch out, Hume Fogg! Tomorrow I return in all my obnoxious-photogeek glory!

Wait, so, like, actually. That is such a good and accurate representation of how I feel in high school!!!!!! Man. Seriously. I was totally doing a sudoku when I took this. I'm totally rambling!! You totally don't give a poo!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I just stumbled across these photos from winter/that time it wasn't cold at all at The Farmer's Market. I like them.
Seriously cannot wait to have photoshop again. I practice lasso-ing with my mouse all the time.
Sorry for the fact that that doesn't really make sense. Typing is theraputic sometimes and I just need to keep going on as Bon Iver serenades me and I rock back and forth waiting for the other tab to read 'Inbox (1)' instead of just empty, because that will mean that my father has responded and that this evenings plans will be set in stone or something nearly as solid.

Saturday, April 12, 2008



Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm not gonna lie...

I actually haven't taken any pictures today. I don't like carrying my camera in the rain, but so much happened today, I admit I regret that decision. danguh. So, here is a photo taken last weekend of my dear bro and his girlfriend doing a little swing dancing. ...Just in case I don't get anything else. ...because I probably won't. =]

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jake Lorber

Special thanks to Mr. Eric Austin, who is responsible for Jake turning around.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


If you want to hang out with me between June 28th and August 1st,
you have to come to Chicago.

What?! This IS my picture, okay!!!??

A Break From Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

I like poetry, sometimes... I get a poem every day in my inbox from The Writer's Almanac, and the past two poems have blown my mind.

Yesterday's was "We Bring Democracy to The Fish" by Donald Hall.

It is unacceptable that fish prey on each other.
For their comfort and safety, we will liberate them
into fishfarms with secure, durable boundaries
that exclude predators. Our care will provide
for their liberty, health, happiness, and nutrition.
Of course all creatures need to feel useful.
At maturity the fish will discover their purposes.

And Today's is "The Waitresses" by Matt Cook.

The waitresses
At the restaurant
Have to keep reminding
The schizophrenic man
That if he keeps acting
Like a schizophrenic man
They'll have to ask him to leave the restaurant.
But he keeps forgetting that he's a schizophrenic man,
So they have to keep reminding him.

I mean... both of them pull me straight into the words and make me think, without telling me to think, or beating the contradictions over my head. I love things that make me cringe, and the first one especially does. It's the best feeling because there are so few things that can leave you feeling physically nervous. It's the same reason I like bugs.

So, the purpose of this post is, hopefully, to help my sweet readers to feel something different today. And if that didn't do it for you, this should make you laugh.

Lunch time at school means sitting on the floor and cramming for a history quiz.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Emily and her dragonfly

I need to do more with the front steps.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Today was good!

(Richard Exton, please don't hate me?)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Oxford English Dictionary

You really probably can't imagine how happy that thing made me. It comes with a magnifying class. It COMES with one!!!

light bulbs