Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Brittain's Senior Pictures

I come with the added bonus of not airbrushing your face or whitening your teeth. I'm willing to take anyones senior pictures, if anyone's interested in me.

Even you, Anna Lee! I know you are so happy to see that I updated! So maybe you would like to be in an update! har har har.

Any way, it was really cool taking Brittains. I've taken for granted how nice it is when the person you're photographing is allowed to react to the fact that you're photographing him/her.

...Photography is cool.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I haven't touched my camera in days, which is terrible. But, this happened a little while ago. I just wanted to show it off...

Tomax and Xamot...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Study Lunch

Ian, Ben, and Jake were in serious panic mode during lunch today. There was a notebook check in their calculus class, and I will just say that Ben bought a binder yesterday and leave the rest of the unbelievable procrastination up to your imagination. At Hume-Fogg, we eat lunch on the floor, so the study environment is just kind of crazy... So I tried to make a little story about it, and here it is.

Also, in regards to these boys, and my school as a whole, I have to say that I am really lucky and thankful to be surrounded by people who let me do my thing, and don't freak out about it. If I haven't made it clear how grateful I am of that, I hope I have now. It makes all the difference in the world to be surrounded by willing and understanding people.