Sunday, March 16, 2008


Tonight at church (this has nothing to do with the photo) we were sitting around not doing anything when we decided to rearrange the letters in our names. It was way too much fun and had absolutely nothing to do with theology........ at all.

Stephen Owen Howell
Hen Step Steel Lonee

Charles Egan Cowan Pasinger
Nana "Slapa Cow Egg" Renchie

Marshall May Fletcher
Ramshell Yam Flatcher

Graham Brooks Gaines
Hamarag Goon Brekiss

Clayton Daniel Bingaman
El Yaba Dangit Conman Nil

Jacqueline Ann Van Mater
Que Levant Ninja Mcanar

(I was hoping someone would turn out to be Lord Voldemort.... bummer...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you rock my face off forever and ever